- Films
- Magazines
- Social Networking
- TV shows
- Music
Main 3:
Social Networking sites:
- Social networking sites can be a cause of bullying mainly to the younger generation who are most likely to be using sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
- Sites such as Facebook and Twitter can be a huge distraction as people are most likely to want to spend more time online using social networking sites rather than getting their revision done.
- An advantage on social networking sites would be that it enables people to communicate with other people who may not be in the country. This is beneficial for most people as they are able to use social networking sites as a source of communications even to those who are abroad.
- A disadvantage would be there people may complain that there are not enough options for privacy. Peoples profiles can still be seen etc and some people may not want this. Therefore it creates problems and may put people off in wanting to create an account/profile.
- Films can be seen as entertaining - it takes up peoples time so if they wanted to kill time and keep up with the latest films, it comes across as entertainment for people and families.
- Piracy - People can illegally record films at cinemas and sell them in busy locations which is seen as a disadvantage to the film industry as people are most likely to buy pirate copies rather than pay the full price for a cinema ticket.
- Word of mouth - people can watch the film and if it is not up to customer standards, they're likely to spread the word that the film is not worth watching. Also, twitter bombing online causes people not to watch the film resulting in fewer views and lower income on tickets.
- Escapism - People are drawn into the film, takes them away from every day life.
- Music makes a huge impact of peoples lives especially those from the younger generation.
- Music videos become an inspiration to the younger generation as they're the ones most likely to be influences to do and act the same way as the artists they see in music videos.
- Some artists may be seen as inspirational which is seen through the artists lyrics as they may be lyrically talented and have a specific message that they are trying to portray.
- Entertainment
- Puts people in specific moods, emotional, happy, dance etc.
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